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公司合并通知(例句) Merger of Firms

2016年6月15日  广西桂林知名律师   http://www.wzfxls.cn/
  公司合并通知(例句) merger of firms
  1. we the undersigned, herewith inform all our esteemed correspondents that the two firms which have carried on business hitherto under the title of f.b. and t. & co., will be united from this date, and continued under the title of b. & t.
  2. we inform you that we have agreed to amalgamate the two houses doing business in this town under the style respectively of f.b. and c.b.
  3. we hereby inform our esteemed clients that the above two well known firms have this day been amalgamated, and will in future trade under the title of l. & h.
  4. we have pleasure in announcing that, on and after the 31st july, our two firms of messrs. b. & c. and messrs. n. & b. hitherto carrying on business at 10 r. st., and 100 w. st., respectively, will amalgamate under the style of messrs. c. & b., and the combined firms will transfer their offices to more commodious premises at the above address, to which all communications after the 31st july should be sent.
  5. we have the honour to inform you that we have agreed to unite the two mercantile establishments which have hitherto existed in this city, under the firms of c. & co., and r. & co.
  6. we inform you that, on and after this date, our amalgamated business will be carried on in the name of b & co., ltd.
  7. after the 1st of january, the business will be carried on at the old premises, nos. 6 & 8, river street, by ho. o. and j. s., under the firm-name of o. & s. we trust you will favour the new firm with your business.
  8. it is proposed that one ordinary share of the s. s. co., ltd., shall exchange for one share of the c. c. co., ltd., and a resolution to this effect will be submitted to the extraordinary general meeting on wednesday next, the 30th april, as advised in the enclosed notice.
  9. in accordance with the powers conferred upon them at the general meeting hold on the 22nd may 19--, the directors have been in negotiation with the s. d. co., ltd. for the amalgamation of that company with this.
  10. the two businesses have been working upon similar lines for years past, and there will be no alteration in this respect.
  11. a resolution to this effect will be submitted to the extraordinary general meeting on wednesday, the 30th april, as advised in the enclosed notice.
  12. it affords them great pleasure to report that they have been successful in arranging terms of merger that are fully protective or your interest.
  13. it is proposed that one ordinary share of the s. d. co., ltd., shall
  14. we shall in future carry on the business under the style of wilson & co.
  15. the change of the firm-name will involve no change in the personnel or in the operation of the business.
  1、下列署名人,谨此通知各位顾客,自即日起以前以f·b·与t命名的两公司合并为b·t· 公司,继续营业。
  4、谨宣告,自 7月31日起,前在r街10号的 b·c公司与在w街100号的 n.b公司合并为c.b. 公司,并迁往上列商业区新址,今后通讯请径寄上址为荷。
  7、h.o.与j .s两先生将自1月1日起在r 街6号及8号旧址开设o.s.公司并开始营业。恳请光顾。
  8、兹定于4月30日(星期三)召开特别股东大会,表决一个提案 — s.s.股份有限公司普通股份一股与cc.股份有限公司股份一股互换事宜。详情见所附通知.

文章来源: 广西桂林知名律师
律师: 段俊锋 [桂林]
转载请注明出处  本文链接: http://www.wzfxls.cn/art/view.asp?id=852558124381 [复制链接]

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